220 2nd Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104Activation Dates
November 5, 2024 - May 31, 2025Hours
- Viewable Anytime
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As an immigrant, Jia Jia’s art is an exploration of identity, adaptation, and the nuanced resistance against the pressures of capitalism and politics. Through her work, Jia delves into the intricate tapestry of her personal journey, navigating a world shaped by globalization and migration.
By illuminating the complexities of cultural assimilation and power dynamics, her art serves as a mirror to the immigration experiences, challenging societal norms and questioning the individual of being reduced to a mere “product” conforming to efficiency standards. Through her artistic expression, she celebrates resilience and the ongoing process of identity navigation in a diverse and ever-evolving society. And her art invites viewers to engage with themes of adaptation, subtle resistance, and imperfection.