Unique, Chic Accessories: Q&A with HER GLOW CANDY SHOP
As our final feature on this cohort of the Seattle Restored Collective Market, we’re pleased to feature Ife Thomas, owner of HER GLOW CANDY SHOP. Ife creates statement jewelry and accessories to adorn yourself.
This cohort of the Seattle Restored Market closes on April 23. Be sure to drop by and support these 9 small businesses at an upcoming event!

Q: What drew you to creating your business idea?
A: It started with my lifelong love of earrings and accessories. I began only selling EAR CANDY and then a friend suggested that I expand to other pieces. That’s how the full line of Candy accessories (HAT CANDY, WRIST CANDY, RING CANDY, PURSE CANDY, and NECK CANDY) was born.
Q: Why did you want to participate in the Seattle Restored program?
A: I thought that it could be a great opportunity to see if I really wanted my own brick and mortar store, while being able to help contribute to our local economy with other small local businesses.
Q: What’s it like working with other participants on the Collective?
A: It’s been fun so far! Everyone is in alignment with wanting the store to be at its best and for us all to win. Plus, we support each other and are helpful to one another, which is great.

Q: Has this experience changed your thinking about how to proceed with your business in the future?
A: Yes. I definitely do not want to open a store without a solid budget! I need to be able to hire dependable and professional help and to market the space properly. We will see what happens.
Q: Has your experience with Seattle Restored so far opened up other opportunities?
A: Not directly yet, but it has been helping to build my following with customers and to spread the word about the brand. I have a couple of invites to vend at upcoming events, so hopefully those will come through.
Q: Anything else you want us to know?
A: Hmmm…well, I would love for readers to come in and shop with us! If you love unique, chic accessories, I have plenty of fabulous Candy for you! Come see me 🙂

Address: 1503 5th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101
Open hours:
Thursday | 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Friday | 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Saturday | 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sunday | 12:00 am – 5:00 pm
Dates: January 14 – April 23